Ahead of the official opening of the Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference in Brisbane tomorrow, members of Australian Humanitarian Partnership in the Pacific came together for a Learning Meeting today hosted by the AHP Support Unit.

Today’s discussions centred on locally-led Humanitarian action, role of the intermediaries, accountability and learning follows the announcement by Senator the Hon Murray Watt;, Australia’s Minister for Emergency Management that an additional $50 million to DisasterREADY.

The DisasterREADY2 is phase two of the existing regional disaster risk reduction program delivered through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership in the Pacific and Timor-Leste

The AHPSU Director Partnership Jason Brown reiterated their role of supporting partners to better respond to disasters and crisis. 🙌

This was an opportunity for cross learning whereby partners shared their experiences & how they can addressed challenges from the Disaster READY 1.0 program in the next phase.

Fiji AHP – Australian Humanitarian Partnership partners that were part of the workshop were representatives from Plan International Fiji, the Church Agency Network Disaster Operations (CAN DO) represented by ADRA Fiji, Fiji Council Of Social Services (FCOSS) and Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation.


Source : Fiji AHP – Australian Humanitarian Partnership | Facebook



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