Spinal Injury Association Fiji

Office Address

Spinal Injury Association Fiji
FNCDP Complex
3 Brown Street
Suva, Fiji

Postal Address

Spinal Injury Association Fiji
P.O.Box 17147
Suva, Fiji

Direct Contact

Phone: (+679) 3307 908

Email: spinalinjuryfiji@gmail.com 


The objectives and vision of Spinal Injury Association has been very well supported by its mission which has successfully been achieved through establishment and implementation of programs and activities and relations with donors at national, regional and international level.

The services provided with regards to the provision for service delivery in terms of assistive devices and medical supplies which has met the need for mobility and good health for spinal injured members and also other physical impairments.

Spinal Injury Association ( SIA ) supports not only its registered members but the public at large who are in need of assistive devices.


To build networks with relevant authorities and agencies national, regional and international developing and implementing appropriate services ( assistive devices and medical supplies ) programmes for awareness and advocacy . To identify, inform counsel and refer spinal injured physically impaired persons and their families for provision and services that are otherwise not available to membership.


SIA envisions persons with spinal injury and physical impaired living in a barrier free society, playing a participatory role in rural, urban and national development.


  1. To promote and enhance the welfare of spinal injured and physical impaired persons regardless of their differences.
  2. To assist families of spinal injured and physically impaired persons on the continuous needs ( medical supplies ,assistive devices, counsel ).
  3. Promote and assist in the idea among its members in living independently among the other members of society.
  4. To asses members needs, and make submissions into donor agencies national, regional and international for financial or in kind assistance in relation to their need.
  5. To lobby for better rehabilitation machinery and personal in relation to members need.
  6. Organise conference, seminars study groups and work shop on relevant issues.
  7. Lobby for quality education , training and employment for those that have been depending due to their injuries.
  8. Network with relevant government ministries in funding appropriate solutions to the needs of SIA members.
  9. To assist FNCDP , FDPF and sister affiliate for a stronger voice in legislation the rights of persons with disabilities.
  10. To inform the public at large on all issues through pamphlets media on the issues and functions of SIA.
  11. To give its members a sense of pride, independence and belonging in giving themselves
  12. confidence and respect.
  13. To do all such lawful things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objectives.